Tellmi Therapy FAQs

Take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions.

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Tellmi Therapy FAQs

  • Tellmi Therapy uses a Solution Focused approach.

    Imagine you have a really big problem and it’s making you feel sad or scared or anxious. The Tellmi therapist will ask you questions that help you think about the times when you didn't feel sad or scared. They want you to remember those moments because they know you're really good at being happy or brave sometimes.

    Then, the therapist helps you imagine what your life would be like if the problem magically disappeared. They want you to think about all the good things that would happen and how you would feel. It's like creating a new future in your mind!

    After that, the therapist helps you figure out what you can do to make that future come true. They ask you more questions to help you come up with ideas and make a plan. They believe that you have lots of strengths and resources that can help you solve your problems. They want you to feel powerful and in control. And guess what? You don't have to wait for years and years to see results! Tellmi Therapy is all about making positive changes happen quickly. It's like a fast-forward button for feeling better.

    So, in a nutshell, therapy with Tellmi is like having a fun conversation with someone who helps you focus on finding the best solution to your problem. They believe in you and your superpowers, and they want to help you create a happy ending to your story!

    • Therapy happens via the Tellmi app in a private post that will only be seen by you and the Tellmi therapy team. It’s all done in text replies under the post.

    • You and the Tellmi Therapist will chat for just under an hour (or less if you’d prefer).

    • The therapist won’t be telling you what you should or shouldn’t do, but will ask you some questions to help you move forward towards a better future. Some of the questions may sound weird and can be hard to answer, but don’t worry, you’re in it together with your therapist, they will do your best and we know you will do the same.

  • Therapy happens via the Tellmi app in a private post that will only be seen by you and the Tellmi therapy team. It’s all done in text replies under the post. No video calls, no travelling to appointments!

  • Tellmi Therapy is currently available for those aged 11+ in certain NHS commissioned areas. If you’ve reached this page from a referral, via a link we sent you in the app or the Tellmi directory then you can go ahead and book HERE. If there are not any sessions available, please check again in a few days as we may be adding more.

  • Yes, before you book a session you need to make an account on Tellmi. You can download Tellmi from the App or Play store.

    • No. With Tellmi Therapy there are no fixed amount of sessions however, we recommend having at least 3 to get the best from it.

    • At the end of each session you can decide whether or not to have another one. You may decide with your therapist to have it in a few days or even a few weeks time.

    • You will be invited to schedule your sessions using a booking app.

  • Tellmi Therapy is currently available for those aged 11+ in certain NHS commissioned areas.

  • No. Tellmi therapy is free in certain regions of the UK thanks to funding from the NHS.

    • We do not need to tell anyone you’re having therapy. Really.

    • However, just like when you use the Tellmi app normally, if we think your life or someone else's may be at immediate risk, we may have to tell someone about this in real life. The contact details on your profile and the details you give when scheduling your first session can both be used by us if we believe this is the case but we’ll always let you know first if this is something we might need to do.

  • Only you and the Tellmi therapy team will know what you talk about. Occasionally, we might use an anonymised* version of your session for training, quality assurance and research. We will never share this data outside of Tellmi and its partners without talking to you first. For more information please see our privacy policy HERE

    *anonymised means there would be nothing in there which could identify you in real life

  • No, you can use the Tellmi app as normal, we will not treat your posts or replies any differently to how we do already.

  • Parents, carers and professionals can refer a person to us for therapy but we also accept self-referrals.

    We aim to process all referrals within 2 working days. The person needing therapy will be emailed with an invitation to book their first session. You can make a referral or self-referral HERE.

  • Please email us at with any questions.